Use This Easy Method to Save Fuel on Long Journeys
The increase in fuel prices from year to year forces us to use it economically without reducing mileage. For example, the distance from home to work is 10 kilometers, and you have to travel every day and consume four liters of oil to get home and go.
How to Save Oil for Your Vehicle
Then you can save money and get oil money for other needs. Moreover, different vehicles also have different levels of oil consumption. Of course, cars are more consumptive than motorbikes. Therefore, pay attention to the tips below to make your spending more economical and useful.
Asterokid has proven that several of these things make our vehicle oil more efficient, here's how.
Use This Easy Method to Save Fuel on Long Journeys |
1. Looking for a smooth and not bumpy road
The concept is that more fuel is needed by an engine that is working hard. One of the times when the engine works hard is when the road goes uphill, increases speed, and so on. The distance is slightly longer but with smooth and smooth asphalt, it will be better than roads that are bumpy up and down or winding even though they are closer.
By choosing a better route, you will save oil compared to using the difficult route. Therefore, if you are traveling to the mountains, try to fill up with fuel before starting to climb. Because fuel consumption is faster compared to a calm, straight road.
2. Drive relaxed with your vehicle
The meaning of driving in a relaxed manner is not aggressive. An example of aggressive driving using a car is driving at an unstable speed. The speed rises and falls suddenly, then plays with the gas or zig zags, and so on. These things will also waste fuel.
Keep your vehicle's engine revving in the car. Try to keep the speed the same, for example 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. That way, you have made efforts to save oil. If you don't believe it, try comparing setting this speed with not setting it, you will see a difference in oil consumption.
3. Drive slowly to save fuel long journey
Apart from relaxing, you can save oil by driving slowly. Slow here is defined as a maximum speed of 40 kilometers. The slower you drive, the less oil consumption. This method has one consequence, namely that the travel time to the destination becomes longer.
If you are not in a hurry, driving relaxed and slow is highly recommended. Apart from being able to save oil, it can also minimize the occurrence of unwanted things while traveling. But if you are in a hurry, driving a little fast is okay. As long as you wear a helmet, or jacket and stay safe.
4. Look at the eco indicator and tire pressure
Some motorbikes already have this feature. If you activate the Eco feature motorbike, the indicator light will flash until it turns on if you are traveling at a speed that exceeds the Eco provisions. This method makes it easier to drive in a relaxed and slow manner so you don't go too far.
The air pressure on vehicle tires also has a big influence. The more flat the tire, the greater the friction between the tire and the asphalt, resulting in a heavier engine pull. The situation is similar when on an uphill road, oil consumption becomes excessive.
Don't make the tire flat, but don't pump it too hard either. In this case, each type of tire and vehicle has a standard air capacity. Workshop mechanics or tire repairmen are experienced in this matter. You can ask the tire air expert for instructions. These are oil-saving tips that will save money.